Eddie, Friends Mascot
You can help make an impact at this event! Friends is accepting in-kind donations for goods and services to help us raise money for pets at the Fairfax County Animal Shelter. Download our Auction In-Kind Donation Form and send us an email at generalinfo@ffcas.org to submit a donation.
Friends of the Fairfax County Animal Shelter is following all local guidance regarding COVID-19 safety protocols. Check back before the event to be up to date on any changes in public health recommendations from the CDC.
As of March 2023, Friends of the Fairfax County Animal Shelter will not be requiring proof of vaccination or enforcing indoor masking at the Wine, Whiskers & Wags Gala.
Personal Accountability Statement
I understand that travel and gathering involves risk of sickness, including sickness from COVID-19. I (and on behalf of my guest(s)) waive and release Friends of the Fairfax County Animal Shelter and its sponsors and vendors, and their employees and agents, from and against claims, liabilities, and expenses arising from injury, sickness, or death from contraction or spread of COVID-19 or other communicable diseases due to travel to or attendance at an event hosted by Friends of the Fairfax County Animal Shelter. I will take necessary precautions while at the event including, but not limited to, engaging in appropriate social distancing, wearing a mask when requested and/or required, minimize face touching, frequently washing hands and avoiding risky environments. I agree to not attend any Friends of the Fairfax County Animal Shelter event if I feel ill or had recent exposure to a COVID-19 case. This waiver and release is binding on me and my heirs and successors.