Subsequent to her owner passing away, 13 year-old Itty Bitty was surrendered to the Animal Shelter. After completing her initial medical evaluation, this calm and gentle soul was ready for adoption and immediately snapped up! Her new family describes her as one of the most mellow cats they’ve ever owned (she even tolerated matching pajamas for holiday pictures!). Although initially skittish when meeting new people, once her dental work was completed (funded by Friends), her new mom found Itty Bitty taking more of a “wait-and-see” approach to newcomers, verses immediately hiding.
Embracing her new-found confidence, Itty Bitty has taken the role of “building busybody,” monitoring all dog business in the front grassy space and running to the door when she hears people or dogs in the hallway! “Safety first” is Itty Bitty’s motto as she thoroughly searches the contents of all new packages and once empty, repurposing those boxes as a play pit/bed at least once (bonus points for paper packing!). She has found her people.